Cookie Policy

There are only 2 cookies in use on our website. One records our web address so that your browser may autocomplete our URL when you type in our web address and one that records your consent option for us to use your email address for the purposes of replying to your message on our contact form.

Since we have no user log in & no frequently changing content no other cookies are used on our website so you can be assured that no user information of any kind other than the email address you supply to us for the purposes of replying to your query will be collected about you.

If you have found this website on a search engine, you will have entered a search term relating to our business, who we are and the services we offer.

If you have found this website on your social media feed you will have been selected as part of a targeted advertising group based on subjects you have expressed interest in, pages and accounts you have interacted with and several other metrics that your social media platforms advertising algorithm has registered about you and has calculated you to be part of our intended marketing audience.

Should our company and services not be applicable to you please disregard out advert and company website, You may then wish to check your adverting preferences with your social media platform as the criteria entered by us in order to create the advertising campaign would have included the following data points:

Age: 18-50
Location: UK, USA, Canada
Keywords: ADHD, Autism, Neurodiverce, Invention, Innovate, Business,