Our Mission

Our Mission: From Desk to Disruptor

We're not just a Neurodivergent-run company; we're a movement in the making. We see the untapped potential in the Neurodivergent community, the future disruptors of industries. Our initial focus? E-commerce. By specialising in developing the skills for identifying and marketing innovative products we not only generate revenue but also pave the way for our larger vision: creating our own groundbreaking products.

Your Idea, Our Platform

Once we've showcased our innovations, we're opening our doors to you. If you're Neurodivergent with a revolutionary idea or a vision for a better product, we're here to guide you. Our goal is to evolve into a hub for Neurodivergent product design and business mentorship. We're not just teaching skills; we're cultivating the next generation of entrepreneurs.

Championing Neurodivergent Entrepreneurship

By supporting us, you're not just backing a company; you're endorsing a future where Neurodivergent individuals aren't just employees but leaders of their own ventures. Together, let's redefine the entrepreneurial landscape.

Historical Neurosapiens

These three individuals stand out in history for their significant contributions to some of the world's most pivotal inventions. Based on accounts from those who knew them intimately and professionally, they all exhibited traits consistent with Neurodiversity. It's essential to note that while these men are highlighted, it doesn't imply that only Neurodivergent men have made historical impacts. Given our evolving understanding of Neurodiversity and Neuroscience, it's recognized that women can manifest Neurodivergent traits differently, often leading to underdiagnosis. Consequently, many talented women might have remained undiagnosed and, in terms of achievements, underrepresented. 
This has resulted in a limited historical record of Neurodivergent female scientists and inventors. It is very possible that the likes of Katherine Johnson - Astro Mathematician, Marie Curie - Physicist and Rosalind Franklin - Biophysicist may have all been Neurosapiens and have all made exceptional contributions to the world and human advancement. 
Since we will never know if they were in-fact neurodivergent but possesed qualities that may suggest it be so, it is only fair that we mention them here. 

Alexander Graham Bell

Most famous for inventing the Telephone some his other notable patented inventions included:
The Metal Detector:
Invented to detect a bullet in Assassinated president James A. Garfield.

Photophone:  Allowed transmission of speech on a beam of light using mirrors and modulated light. A device which later led to the development of lasers and optical transmission. 
Graphophone: This improved version of the phonograph could record and play back sound on wax cylinders.
This gadget was used to detect hearing problems. Derivatives of this device are still being used today in hearing test centers. 

Thomas Edison

Most famous for his improvement of the light bulb Edison had over 100 patents to his name, some of which include:
Kinetograph & Kinetoscope: A motion picture device that became the standard to which all motion picture projectors were based on until the emergence of Video.
Phonograph: A device that recorded sound as indentations on paper and allowed playback of sound.  
Alkaline Battery: Originally designed as a power source for the Phonograph the unit became used in electric vehicles and submarines, later to be adopted by Henry Ford in the Model T car to power the engine self starting unit.  

Nikola Tesla

While Tesla Is most well known for the famous Tesla Coil, he developed many technologies:
Radio: Tesla developed the first device capable of transmitting a signal over 50 miles. 
Electromagnetic Motor: His work on the electric motor and concepts from his design are used in Electric cars of the same name today.
Hydroelectric Power: His collaboration with Co-inventor George Westinghouse resulted in technology used to generate power from moving water sources.
X-Ray Machines: Nikolas work with his Shadowgraph resulted in what is considered to be the worlds first Anatomical X-Ray

Whats next?

We are currently building and expanding our E-commerce division in order to generate the extensive funds it takes to develop new products. It is estimated that to take a product from idea to production ready it can take from  £25,000 -  £100,000 depending on the size and complexity of the project.

In the true nature of Neurodivergency, using our unique style of resourcefulness we aim to generate this funding ourselves. 
Not only will this increase our profits and cashflow and strengthen our position with financing our other projects with-out or with minimal outside funding or investment. It also sends an important message to companies we aim to partner with in the future as part our planned expansion; We are here though our own hard work and creativity, we are profitable and we are equals in the world of business.